Amy Bell Charitable TrusT:
Tam Safaris, the Tam Family form Amy Bell Charitable Trust (Irvin Tam, Peter Tam, Stephen Tam- Trusties.
A non-governmental, not-for-profit conservation organisation was founded – The Amy Bell Charitable Trust. The trust operates in a unique manner as its programmes communicate the principles of sustainable living and education for vulnerable and orphaned children. The Foundation is making a significant difference to the lives of more than 200 children from ages 2 to 16 years old whose lives have been affected in various ways by the Aids pandemic. The programmes are supported by a team of administrative staff ensuring the smooth running of day-to-day administration. Irvin Tam is responsible for the continual running of all its projects, and takes care of all payments in respect of caregivers, drivers, fuel, clothing and food at the care centre.
Caregivers visit the homes of all the children to evaluate and check on their daily lives. The children are driven to the care centre after they have attended formal schooling and are given lunch. They play, sing and read stories during the afternoons. The Foundation supplies them with school uniforms and/or private clothing and they enjoy an annual Christmas party where they receive gifts, snacks and a Christmas meal. Providing food supplies for vulnerable children, with a particular emphasis on the colder winter months, is the cornerstone of holistic care, ensuring that the children are healthy and remain in school. A great need exists at community level to maintain the health and growth of children on a daily basis.
The Amy Bell Trust believes in supporting children in terms of health, education, child protection and capacity development. The children are helped to gain the knowledge, skills and tools to manage their learning more effectively, integrating child protection into every aspect of their care.
In 2010, the Tam family donated funds for the purchase of Erf 0339, 9 Hospital Street, Cradock, in order to ensure that the charity would continue to own its own building, and later also donated a plot, 10 and 12 Hospital street for the Amy Bell Africa School and Margaret Williams Computer Centre for high School students.
The Amy Bell Africa School, assists children with physical and learning disabilities. These children are not able to enter into conventional school systems. This school is situated on the Amy Bell property.
Assistance to the community is not limited to the children of the Amy Bell Children’s Centre.
This group is a Conservation organization working to protect and sustain all life on earth for current and future generations. Our motto, “Upliftment through education”
College Students:
A program exists for students in our local communities to attend the Nelson Mandela University,
In Port Elizabeth. At present we have eight students in the program. In 2019 Bongani Matika graduated as an architect and has been followed by Yolanda Maseti in 2020 as a mechanical engineer. Our Foundation has assisted them in entering into the work place. Our students are provided with housing and mentorship.

High School Students::
This project provides students from economically challenged homes with scholarships to attend Cradock High School. These students are also housed at the Amy Bell Hostel during the school calendar where they are provided the opportunity to study in a controlled environment without the need to stress about food, clothing or transport.
In addition, we have built classrooms at two schools allowing these schools to add an additional 300 plus scholars. Ten more schools and the local old age home are assisted financially each year.
Our group believes in developing young leaders from disadvantaged communities for careers in all walks of life. We seek to deliver skills development and education interventions to equip vulnerable youth to be economically active and environmentally responsible citizens. Through the Vulnerable Youth programme and related projects, they are developing physical and psychological wellness, which creates and develops a deeper awareness and understanding of the cultural dynamics. The vision of success is that the children in Cradock, South Africa, are valued, protected and empowered to realise their dreams.